Current Issue

Volume: 17 Issue: 2, 12/24/24

Year: 2024

Research Articles


TBV Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (TBV-BBMD) started to be published in 2005 as per the decision taken in the 2004 meeting of the Computer Engineering Department Heads Board. The journal is published as two issues each year.

The purpose of the TBV-BBMD Journal is to publish original research results in computer science and engineering. The journal aims to develop the Turkish language of science in the field of informatics by encouraging the publication of articles in Turkish. It accepts to publish the articles of foreign authors who do not speak Turkish in English. Publish titles and abstracts of Turkish articles in English.

The following types of articles are accepted for publication in the journal:

· Research article: An article presenting an original research with its results,

Review article: An article that scans, summarizes, evaluates and interprets a sufficient number of scientific articles on a certain subject in the field of computer science and engineering,

Industrial article: An article describing the research and development of new products or technologies in the field of computer science and engineering,

· Thesis work: An article containing an extended summary of an original thesis work done at the graduate level,

· Book review: Introducing and evaluating a new book published in the field of computer science and engineering.

TBV Journal of Computer Science and Engineering covers the following topics:

Algorithms                 natural language processing        health information systems        Assigned strings        computation theory    Encryption and privacy

computer networks    human machine interaction        Signal processing                        Information and computer security        OS

Question and Answer Strings    information extraction    machine learning                Social networks        computer vision          Internet of Things

data science        computer architecture        Games        Data mining        cloud computing        pattern recognition        Artificial intelligence        fuzzy logic

programming languages        Software engineering        Big data and analytics        Robots and their applications    High performance computing

If you are considering applying for an article to our journal, we recommend that you review the journal publication policy and the Author's Guide on the About Journal page. Authors must register before submitting to the journal. After signing up, you can start the 5-step posting process via the Login link. Readers are recommended to sign up for the release notification service. This can be done from the Registration link at the top of the journal entry page. Each time a new issue is published, the CONTENTS page is sent via e-mail to the reader who has registered for this service. As stated in the journal's privacy statement, the identity information and e-mail addresses of the authors will never be used for other purposes. We recommend research libraries to include this journal in their electronic journal collection. It should be noted that the open-code publication system of the journal may also be suitable for use in other journals in which academics using the library participate in the publication process. Detailed information about Open Journal Systems can be obtained from the Public Knowledge Project page. Authors can publish their works published in this journal before and after publication, on their personal websites or in corporate archives, by referencing this journal in accordance with librarianship rules. This journal; Adopting the principle that providing scientific research to the public free of charge will increase the global sharing of knowledge, it provides instant open access to its content. Names and e-mail addresses on this journal site will be used only for the stated purposes of this journal; It will not be made available for any other purpose or use by other persons.

Article Writing Rules Article Template for Journal:

Manuscripts to be sent to the journal will be prepared in the MS Word writing program in accordance with the rules explained below.

It is especially expected to pay attention to the Turkish language used in the writing of the article to be sent to the journal, which has set the goal of developing and disseminating the Turkish informatics language. For technical terms, use common terms. If you have new term suggestions, please specify.
The articles sent to the journal will be reviewed by the editorial board and the terms can be changed if necessary.
Basic spelling rules are given below. In addition, the Spelling Pattern has been prepared as a Word document. The styles used in the Word spelling pattern are written in square brackets in the relevant fields.
Page Feature
Paper size : A4 Vertical
Top clearance : 2 cm
Bottom space : 2 cm
Left space : 1.5 cm
Right space : 1.5 cm
Paper Main Title
Main Title of Paper in Turkish: Calibri 20 pt, bold, centered on the page, 24 pt spacing will be left above the first line. No additional space will be left between the lines in headings with two lines. There will be a 6-point space after the Turkish title. [Paper Title]
Main Title of the Paper in English: Calibri, 20 pt, gray, no space will be left above the first centered line. No additional space will be left between the lines in headings with two lines. There will be a 20-point space after the English title. [English Paper Title]
The first letters of the main title of the paper will be uppercase, the rest will be lowercase.
Author information
A maximum of 3 author information will be included in a line. In articles with one author, the name of the author will be written in the middle of the page, in the papers with two authors, the name of the author will be written in the center in the column.
Author names will be written in Calibri 10 points, normal, centered. [Author name]
Author Institution/Organization name Calibri 10 font size, italic, centered. [Organisation]
Author Chapter name Calibri 10 pt, italic, centered. [Organisation]
Author City and Country name will be written in Calibri, 10 pt, italicized and centered. [Organisation]
Author E-mail Calibri will be written in 10 pt, normal, centered. [Email]
Author ORCID No Calibri will be written in 10 pt, normal, centered. [ORCID]

The next part will be written as two columns. The column widths will be equal and the spacing between them will be 5 mm.

Abstract Title [Abstract Title ]
Calibri will be 12 points, bold, left aligned, dark blue color, bottom space will be 6 points [Abstract Title ]

Abstract 10 Calibri will be written in 10 pt, italic and justified. The abstract to be prepared in Turkish will be prepared as a paragraph and will consist of a maximum of 1000 letters. Formulas, special characters and symbols should not be used in the abstract. [Self]
Keywords [Keywords]
It will be placed under the core, it will be in 10 point Calibri and italic. Keywords will be bold and italicized.
For example: Keywords: Data mining, Data,
Abstract [Abstract Title ]
Abstract Calibri will be written in 10 pt, italic and justified. The abstract, which will be prepared in English, will be prepared as a paragraph and will consist of a maximum of 1000 letters. Formulas, special characters and symbols should not be used in English. [Self]
It will be placed under the Abstract, it will be in 10 point Calibri and italic. Keywords will be bold and italicized.
For example: Keywords: Data mining, Data [Keywords]

The title can be used up to the third digit in the article. Information on these is as follows:
Main Title: Calibri 12 pt, bold, left aligned and hanging, dark blue color, bottom space will be 6 pt [Main Title ]
Title: Calibri 11 pt, bold, left-justified and hanging, navy blue color, bottom space will be 6 pt [Title ]
Subtitle: Calibri 10 pt, bold, left-justified and hanging, dark blue color, subheading will be 6 pt [Sub Title ]
Apart from these, the titles to be used will be Calibri 10 pt, bold and italic, left aligned and hanging, black in color, and the bottom space will be 6 pt. [Italic Title]
Article Body
The body of the article will be prepared in two columns. The widths of the columns will be equal. The gap between the columns will be 5 mm.
Calibri 10 pt, normal, justified and black, bottom spacing will be 6 pt [Normal]
figure caption
It will be at the bottom and center of the shape. 9 point Calibri. "Shape and number of figures" text will be bold. [Shape]
For example: Figure-1: Figure description
Chart text
It will be at the top and center of the chart. 9 point Calibri bold. Chart text will be bold.
For example: Chart-1: Chart explanation

Reference number and source 9 P Times New Roman, first the surname of the author followed by the first letter of the name. The publication name will be written in italics. Place and date of publication will be written later.
E.g :
[1] Schaffer, R. L., Mulekar, M. , Mcclave, J. T. Probability and Statistics for Engineers, 2010, pp. 170-172.

General rules
Abbreviations: Abbreviations to be made in the article should be made where they are first encountered. For example, Intelligent Vehicle Systems (ATS). Abbreviations known to the public can be used directly. For example, ITU
References: The number of the source cited in the text should be given in square brackets at the end of the sentence. For example, E. Adalı et al. Relevant conclusions were reached in the study conducted by [1]. Reference numbers should be sequential in the article. The bibliography will be created at the end of the article.
Formulas: Numbers should be given for the formulas in the article. The number of the formula should be given in parentheses on the right. E.g
Y= ax2 + bx + c (1)
Exponents and indices: Exponents and indices should be written as they are written in mathematical formulas. For example x2, xi
Units: Only SI (MKSA) unit system should be used in the article. However, units other than these units can be used as a second unit in cases of necessity. Abbreviations to be used for units must be international SI abbreviations. For example Kilo: K, Meter: m, Second: s, Current: A (Please do not use sec abbreviation for seconds)
Footer / Header Information: Footer and header information will not be used in the article.
Figure/Picture: Figures and pictures should be placed in the closest area after citation in the article. Figure/Picture numbered should be given sequentially. There should not be a figure or picture that is not cited in the article. Figure should be written, not figure.
Table: Tables should be placed in the nearest field after citation in the article. The article should be given in sequential order. There should not be an uncited table in the article. A chart should be written, not a table.
The main purpose of the Journal of Computer Science and Engineering is to develop rigorous Turkish in the field of informatics. For this reason, it is necessary to use Turkish carefully in Turkish articles. In addition, it is obligatory to comply with the rules explained below in the parts of Turkish papers except for English Abstract and keywords.
The decimal parts of numbers must be separated by commas. For example 25.33
0 (zero) must be written before the comma. For example 0.23
The percent sign must be placed before the number. For example 25%
Spelling mistakes in the Turkish and English parts of the article should be corrected. Editorial Board can change the terms in the article. Can edit the sentence when necessary.

TBV Journal of Computer Science and Engineering Ethical Principles

TBV Journal of Computer Science and Engineering undertakes to implement the publication ethics at the highest level and to comply with the following principles of publication ethics. In this context, all stakeholders are expected to adopt the following ethical responsibilities within the scope of publication ethics. These principles are based on the recommendations and guidelines developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), Council of Science Editors (CSE), World Association of Medical Editors (WAME) and International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) for journal editors.
In this context, TBV Journal of Computer Science and Engineering undertakes to comply with the Code of Conduct and Principles of Transparency and Best Practice prepared by the COPE Publication Ethics Committee. Compliance with the COPE Guidelines for Editors is within the scope of the editors' duty, and it is mandatory for our journal referees to comply with the COPE Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers.
Editors, referees and authors who submit articles to the TBV Journal of Computer Science and Engineering agree to abide by the ethical rules described below.
Basic Ethical Rules to Follow in an Article
• Fabrication: Showing the data that were not obtained during the research as if they were obtained.
• Distortion: It is the act of making changes in research records, devices and processes in order to bring research results into the desired format.
• Plagiarism: It is the act of using the methods, data, writings and figures developed by others without attribution to the developers.
• Piracy: It is the act of republishing all or part of a published publication as its own publication, without citing the source or obtaining the author's approval.
• Duplication: It is the act of sending and publishing the same research results to more than one journal at the same time. A work may be submitted in development in multiple environments and in different languages. In this case, it can be published as an article, provided that the place of publication is specified first and permission is obtained from the editor.
• Slicing: It is the act of presenting the results of a single research in more than one publication by dividing it.
• Misleading about the author's rights: It is the act of adding the name of a person who did not contribute to a research, or not writing the name of a contributing researcher, or writing the names of the authors in a way that does not match their contributions.
• Concealment of support and biased publications: It is the act of presenting research supported by commercial organizations as an unbiased publication without revealing the name of the commercial organization.
• Biased sources: In the references section of a research publication, it is the act of showing only studies that support the study in a positive way, not including those that do not support the study in the sources, thus selecting the sources biased.
Principles Editors Must Follow
Journal editors are expected to abide by the following principles.
• Impartiality and Freedom of the Publisher: Editors evaluate the submitted article by considering its suitability for the scope and scope of the Journal, the importance and originality of the work. Editors do not take into account the race, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, nationality or political views of the authors. Other people and organizations other than the Editorial Board of the Journal cannot influence the correction or publication decision. Editors take care that the published Journal issues contribute to the reader, researcher, practitioner and the scientific field, and that they are original.
• Independence: The relationship between the Editors (Editor and Associate Editors) and the publisher is based on the principle of editorial independence. According to the written agreement between the editors and the publisher, all decisions of the editors are independent of the publisher and the journal owner. Editors reject incomplete and incorrect articles that do not comply with the journal policy, publication rules and level without any influence.
• Confidentiality: Editors do not share information about a submitted article with anyone other than the responsible author, referees and editorial board. It ensures that the articles evaluated by at least two referees are evaluated according to the double-blind refereeing system. If the two referees cannot agree on the result, the article is sent to a third referee for evaluation. The identities of the referees are kept confidential.
• Information and Differences of Opinion: Editors or members of the editorial board cannot use the information in the article sent to the Journal but not yet published, in their own research without the express written permission of the authors. Editors should not have a conflict of interest regarding the articles they accept or reject.

• Publishing Decision: Editors ensure that all articles accepted for publication are evaluated by at least two referees who are experts in their field. The editors decide which of the articles sent to the journal will be published; They are responsible for deciding the validity of the studies in question, their contribution and importance to researchers and readers, the comments of the referees and legal conditions. Editors have the responsibility and authority to accept or reject articles. Therefore, they have to use their responsibility and authority appropriately and on time.
• Ethical Concerns: Editors are responsible for taking the necessary precautions when ethical concerns arise regarding a submitted article or published article. As a matter of fact, they continue their business processes without compromising intellectual property rights and ethical principles. Editors act in accordance with the COPE Guidelines in case of ethical concerns. If the ethical issues are important, corrections and withdrawals can be made or concerns can be published in the journal.
• Collaboration with Journal Boards: Ensures that all Editors' Advisory Board members advance processes in accordance with publication policies and guidelines; Informs the members of the Advisory Board about the publication policies. It enables the members of the Advisory Board to carry out their work independently. Allows new Advisory Board members to participate. It should submit studies appropriate to the expertise of Advisory board members for evaluation. Interacts regularly with the Advisory Board
Principles Authors Must Follow
Authors are expected to abide by the following principles.
• Article Scope: The authors of the original research should ensure that the work done and the results are presented accurately, followed by an unbiased discussion of the importance of the work. The article should contain sufficient details and resources.
• Data Access and Retention: Authors are required to retain the raw data of their work. When required, they should be able to submit for editorial review if requested by the journal.
• Originality and plagiarism: Authors must submit entirely original works, and if they have used the work or words of others, it must be properly cited. Plagiarism in all its forms constitutes unethical publishing behavior and is unacceptable. For this reason, a similarity rate report is requested from all authors who submit articles to the journal.
• Multiple, Duplicate, Redundant, or Concurrent Submissions / Publications: Authors should not submit a previously published article in another journal for consideration. Submitting an article to more than one journal at the same time is unethical publishing behavior and is unacceptable.
• Authorship of the Article: Only the names of the people who contributed to the study should be written as authors. Authorship criteria are as follows; (i) contributed to the design, implementation, data collection or analysis phases (ii) prepared the manuscript or contributed significant information or critically evaluated it, or (iii) saw the final version of the manuscript, approved it, and agreed to submit it for publication. Corresponding author must ensure that all authors (according to the definition above) join the list of authors and must declare that they have seen the final version of the article and agree to submit it for publication. Articles written by the members of the editorial board of the journal are accepted as minimal as possible. In this case, blind refereeing rules must be applied.
• Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest: Authors should disclose conflicts of interest at the earliest possible stage (usually by submitting a notification form at the time of article submission and including this disclosure in the article). All sources of financial support for the study must be declared (including the grant/funding number or other reference number, if applicable).
• Participate in the Peer Review Process: Authors are required to participate in the peer review process and are responsible for fully cooperating by responding promptly to editors' requests for raw data, disclosures and evidence of ethical approval and copyright permissions.
• Fundamental Errors in Published Works: Authors are obliged to immediately inform the journal editors or publishers when they see significant errors in their published works. It is also responsible for cooperating with the journal editors or publishers to remove the article from publication or submit an erratum. If the editors or publisher learns from others that a published work contains a material inaccuracy, they require the author to promptly correct the article or provide evidence of the accuracy of the article's content. If these are not fulfilled, it acts to remove the article.
Principles That Arbitrators Must Follow
Referees are expected to abide by the following principles.
• If the referees can complete the evaluation within the given time, they should take this responsibility. It should not cause an intentional delay. If additional time is required, it should promptly notify the Journal.
• Confidentiality rules should be adhered to. During and after the evaluation, information about refereeing should not be disclosed, other than what is published in the Journal.

• The information obtained during the evaluation process should not be used for the benefit of the referee or any organization or to the detriment of others.
• All potential conflicts of interest (personal, financial, professional, political or religious) should be notified to the journal in advance. Even if this situation arises after the request for refereeing is accepted, it should be discussed with the journal.
• Evaluation should be done in accordance with the requirements of the job and personal and professional prejudices should be avoided.
• Evaluations should be objective and constructive. The author should be provided with feedback so that he can improve his article.
• The authors should not be contacted directly without the permission of the journal.
• Manuscript's instructions, policies, etc. should be read and evaluated. If there is unclear or incomplete information, the journal should be contacted.
• If an unethical situation related to the study is encountered at any stage of the evaluation process or a research misconduct is suspected, the journal should be informed of this situation.
Referees should reject the evaluation in the following situations.
• If it is requested to evaluate another work that is very similar to a work that is in the preparation stage or is about to be published in another journal.
• If there are problems with the journal's refereeing format (for example, if there is open evaluation and the identities of the referees are disclosed to the authors).
The referees should pay attention to the following issues while preparing the evaluation form.
• Journal's guidelines for feedback should be followed.
• Reviewers should be very clear in their criticisms and provide appropriate justifications in order to ensure that editors can be fair when making their final decisions.
• It should not be forgotten that the work is the work of the author, and the article should not be rewritten as preferred by the referee.
• One should be sensitive about Turkish.
• Feedback should be given meticulously.
• Negative comments should not be made about other authors mentioned in the study.
• Comments and recommendations made for the editor should be consistent.
• Comments containing slander and accusations should not be written, assuming that the author will not see them.

TBV Journal of Computer Science and Engineering Publication Policy

In Turkey, there are approximately 180 departments established under the name of Computer Engineering, Software Engineering, Computer Sciences and Information Systems. The heads of these departments meet at least once a year, starting from 1995, under the name of the "Computer Engineering Department Heads" (BMBB) Board. With a decision taken by the BMBB Board in 2004, a peer-reviewed scientific journal called “TBV Computer Science and Engineering” started to be published in 2005.

At the relevant meeting, the aims of the journal were determined as follows:
• To publish original research results in the field of computer science and engineering.
• The journal aims to develop the Turkish language of science in the field of informatics by encouraging the publication of articles in Turkish.
• It accepts to publish the articles of foreign authors who do not speak Turkish in English.
• Publish titles and abstracts of Turkish articles in English.

Article Types
The following types of articles are accepted to the journal:
• Research article: An article presenting an original research with its results,
• Review article: An article that scans, summarizes, evaluates and interprets a sufficient number of scientific articles on a certain subject in the field of computer science and engineering,
• Industrial article: An article describing the research and development of new products or technologies in the field of computer science and engineering,
• Thesis work: An article containing an extended summary of an original thesis work done at the graduate level,
• Book review: Introducing and evaluating a new book published in computer science and engineering.

The articles that can be sent to the journal can be in the following fields. New research topics may be added over time.
Algorithms Natural language processing Health information systems
Assigned strings Computation theory Encryption and personality
Computer networks Human machine interaction Signal processing
Information and computer security Operating System Question and Answer Strings
Information extraction Machine learning Social networks
Computer vision Internet of Things Data science
Computer architecture Games Data mining
Cloud computing Pattern recognition Artificial intelligence
Fuzzy logic Programming languages ​​Software engineering
Big data and analytics Robots and applications High performance computing

Article Acceptance Process
The acceptance process of the articles sent to the journal consists of the following stages:
1. Each submitted article is sent to at least two referees at the first stage. 

2. Referee assignments are made by the journal editors. There are approximately 200 referees in the referee pool of the journal and these referees are classified according to their areas of interest. Each referee is sent an article on the subject he is interested in. The selection of arbitrators is done in a way that does not cause a conflict of interest.
3. The names of the authors are closed in the articles sent to the referees.
4. Reviewers are explained how to evaluate an article. They are asked to evaluate the article in terms of originality, scientific importance, quality and adequacy of its sources, writing quality, topicality and suitability for the journal.
5. The articles in which two referees give positive opinion are subjected to similarity review by the editors. The similarity in the articles is expected to be less than 25%. If the opinions of the two referees do not agree, the article is sent to another referee.
6. A paper that has passed all stages is reviewed by the editor in terms of language and presentation, and necessary corrections and improvements are made. If necessary, the authors are notified of the situation.

Careful Use of Turkish
One of the main purposes of TBV Journal of Computer Science and Engineering is to enable Turkish publications in the field of informatics and to provide Turkish idioms and terms in the field of informatics. For this reason, the articles accepted by the referees but not used carefully in Turkish and deemed impossible to be corrected by the editor are not published in the journal. The examination and evaluation of the papers accepted by the referees in terms of Turkish is done by the Turkish Language Editor.

Article Pattern
The writing pattern (format) for the preparation of an article is announced to the authors in detail. In addition, this pattern is presented to the authors for their convenience. It is examined whether the articles sent to the journal are suitable for the journal writing pattern. Inconsistencies that can be corrected by the editor are corrected by the editor, and the authors are requested to correct the papers that cannot be corrected.

Publicationt Frequency
The journal is published as one issue, two issues per year, in June and December. The first 7 issues of the journal were published in print and on the journal's website. Subsequent issues are published in the DergiPark.

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